University Comparison - All countries

Choosing a university is an important step in a student's life. Check the rating and reviews of universities from anonymous users to make the right decision and your future.

Name Short Name Rating Region Country
СПбГЭТУ 3.79 St. Petersburg Russia
AMU 4.5 Prague Czech
ARU Prague Czech
PALESTRA Prague Czech
AVU Prague Czech
AKCENT Prague Czech
AUP Prague Czech
AAU Prague Czech
AAU Prague Czech
AAU Prague Czech
ADI Prague Czech
BIVŠ Prague Czech
BIVŠ Prague Czech
ČVUT Prague Czech
CI Prague Czech
CI Prague Czech
CERS České Budějovice Czech
ESBM Prague Czech
EVŠ Prague Czech
EPI Zlin Czech
FAMO České Budějovice Czech
IAC Prague Czech
JAMU Brno Czech
JCU České Budějovice Czech
MUNI Brno Czech
MENDELU Brno Czech
MUP Prague Czech
MKP Prague Czech
MVŠO Olomouc Czech
NC Prague Czech
NC Prague Czech
PEVŠ Prague Czech
PAČR Prague Czech
PCU Prague Czech
RVS Prague Czech
SU Ostrava Czech
SVŠE Znojmo Brno Czech
SVŠE Znojmo Brno Czech
SVŠES Prague Czech
SVŠ Znojmo Brno Czech
SEVŠ Prague Czech
TUL Liberec Czech
UC Prague Czech
UU Prague Czech
UU Prague Czech
UU Prague Czech
UNYP Prague Czech
UHK Hradec Kralove Czech
UJAK Prague Czech
UJAK Prague Czech
UJEP Usti nad Labem Czech
UK Prague Czech
UO Brno Czech
UPOL Olomouc Czech
UPOL Olomouc Czech
UPCE Pardubice Czech
UTB Zlin Czech
VFU Brno Czech
VŠAP Prague Czech
VŠCHT Prague Czech
VŠCHT Prague Czech
VŠE Prague Czech
VŠEM Prague Czech
VŠEM Prague Czech
VŠERS České Budějovice Czech
VŠFS Prague Czech
VŠFS Prague Czech
VŠFS Prague Czech
VŠH Prague Czech
VŠH Prague Czech
VŠH Prague Czech
VŠKE Prague Czech
VŠKK Prague Czech
VŠKK Prague Czech
VŠLM Prague Czech
VŠLM Prague Czech
VŠMVV Prague Czech
VŠMVV Prague Czech
VŠO Prague Czech
VŠO Prague Czech
VŠPP Prague Czech
VŠPP Prague Czech
VŠPP Ostrava Czech
VŠPJ Jihlava Czech
VŠR Prague Czech
VŠR Prague Czech
AMBIS Prague Czech
VŠTE České Budějovice Czech
VŠTE České Budějovice Czech
PALESTRA Prague Czech
PALESTRA Prague Czech
PALESTRA Prague Czech
UMPRUM Prague Czech
VŠZ Prague Czech
VUT Brno Czech
ZČU Pilsen Czech
ZČU Pilsen Czech
АГУ 3.64 Adygea Russia
АЧГАА 4.71 Rostov region Russia
АТИ ДГТУ 4.4 Rostov region Russia