Top 10 professors ranking ДВФУ

Басова Т.Б. 2

Басова Т.Б.


 4.75 based on 50 ratings

Жук Максим Иванович 5

Жук Максим Иванович


 4.29 based on 58 ratings

Гайворонская Я.В. 6

Гайворонская Я.В.


 3.85 based on 77 ratings

Дорофеева М.А. 7

Дорофеева М.А.


 3.83 based on 47 ratings

Хан Игорь Сергеевич 10

Хан Игорь Сергеевич


 2.34 based on 53 ratings

Волкова Татьяна Вячеславовна

5  0   0  Reviews 1 1


Rating (1)

Ability to deliver the material. 0
Passion for the subject. 0
Difficulty in taking the exam. 0
Use of visual and technical means of instruction. 0
Practical usefulness of the subject. 0
Sense of humor 0

Reviews (1)

2014-09-12 09:30:04 #


Очень добрый и проницательный преподаватель. После занятий остается приятный "осадок".

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Ability to deliver the material.
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Passion for the subject.
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Difficulty in taking the exam.
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Use of visual and technical means of instruction.
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Practical usefulness of the subject.
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Sense of humor
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